The Best Way To House Your Rabbit

girl kissing bunny

When it comes to caring for your bunny, their housing is essential. There have been many advances in rabbit housing options in recent years, so you have plenty of choices.

Ideally, your bunny should have free-range living in a rabbit-proofed house with supervised outdoor playtime. This way, they can live up to their full potential and lifespan. Rabbits are happier and healthier when they have more space to roam, and they can also become more bonded with you as a result.

If free-range living isn’t possible or practical for your situation, the next best thing is a roomy exercise pen. These pens are heavy wires and can be adjusted to different sizes. They usually don’t have the floor or ceiling, which allows for better airflow. You can find them in heights of 24 inches, 30 inches, and 36 inches (if you have a jumper). Some come with gates too.

Never put a rabbit in a small wire cage or outdoor hutch! This is equivalent to confining someone to a closet – not very comfortable at all! Wire cages are also bad for bunny feet because they can cause sores (which may lead to bone infections) and arthritis if left untreated. Additionally, putting rabbits outside under any conditions is cruel because it deprives them of social interaction – something that’s essential for their wellbeing.

If other factors in your household (such as dogs or small children) make caging your rabbit the safer option, get the giant cage you can find – even more, significant if you have two rabbits that need bonding time together. There are now two-story cages available which most bunnies love. Some cells also look very furniture-like, so they can better fit your decor. Most cage companies will custom make their cages according to specifications .to your no matter what form of housing you decide on; wellbeing should be y our main concern. With that said, remember that no matter how nice the cage is, no rabbit should spend 24 hours a day locked up exercising good physical and mental health just like other animals needs. However, you house yo your bunny make sure they get some running around time and one-on-one interaction regularly, you’ll both enjoy benefits healthy happy bun!

As a bunny owner, you want to ensure your furry friend has a comfortable place to call home. Here are some tips on how to create a safe and cozy space for your bunny:

Use throw rugs or indoor/outdoor carpeting if your bun isn’t a carpet muncher. (I buy the indoor/outdoor close-napped carpet by the roll at Home Depot.) Avoid plush naps — they’re just too tempting. For carpet munchers, you can use untreated grass mats. You can find these online, or Cost Plus sells them in strips of nine 12″ x 12″ squares. Grass mats should look and smell natural, but if they’re shiny or have a chemical odor, don’t use them. It’s OK if your bunny eats the grass matting, but carpet eating should never be allowed. Carpet fibers can collect in the bunny’s stomach, causing a blockage that can be fatal. To protect carpeted home areas, try a big piece of linoleum or plastic runners with carpeting or straw mats over them. YOUR RABBIT SHOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED TO CONSUME ANY NON-NATURAL MATERIALS.

Bedding: A good rule of thumb is to offer about two inches of bedding material per rabbit.

Hay: Hay is essential for rabbits because it aids in digestion and provides vital nutrients.

Water: Fresh water must be available at all times.

Food: A hay, fresh vegetables, and pellets diet will keep your rabbit healthy and happy!

Author: admin

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