Tips For Making The Most Of Your Cat’s Vet Visit

Get the Most Out of Your Cat

Making an appointment with your cat’s veterinarian can be a daunting task. Still, the New Jersey Veterinary Medical Association has some tips to ensure your pet gets the most out of their visit.

First and foremost, come prepared. If you’ve recently moved, bring copies of your cat’s medical records with you. Write down any medications they may be taking and the dosage, and ask if you should get a stool or urine sample.

Next, list everything that concerns you about your cat’s health – from their hair coat to their diet and exercise habits. This will help you communicate better with your vet during the appointment.

It’s also helpful to write down any information that your veterinarian provides during the visit. Ask for more detailed handouts or brochures so you can refer back to them later.

Finally, don’t be embarrassed to ask questions or mention anything that you’ve noticed about your cat’s health. Your vet wants to help keep them healthy and happy, and they can’t do that without your observations.

Types Of Doctor’S Visits And Frequently Asked Questions

Whether you have a new kitten or an elderly cat, regular visits to the veterinarian are important for maintaining your pet’s health. Here are some things to keep in mind for different types of visits.

New kitten owners often have many questions about litter training, diet, obedience, behavior, spay/neuter and vaccination schedules. Your veterinarian is very experienced and comfortable with these questions. They can help you get your kitten off to a healthy start in life.

If your cat is sick, it is helpful to write down the history of their illness before the visit. Did they stop eating? Are they vomiting? How often? What are they vomiting? Could they have eaten something they shouldn’t have? What might it have been? Were they in a fight with another animal? Have they recently been in a kennel? Did you change their diet recently? These details can be helpful for veterinarians who need to act as detectives when diagnosing some diseases.

Even if your cat is healthy, wellness visits are still important. Ask which vaccinations are appropriate for your cat and inquire about seasonal concerns such as fleas and ticks. This is also a great time to discuss upcoming events that might affect your pet such as vacations and visitors.

As cats age, their needs change so it’s important to keep up with regular checkups. If your cat is getting older, ask about their tolerance for exercise, how to recognize senile behavior, what to do about arthritis and other aches and pains, and if a blood panel is necessary to evaluate their blood and organ health.

Author: admin

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